Sunday, October 5, 2008

Time. Is it ticking away?

Yikes! I haven't posted since August. How did that happen?

Have you ever noticed that time flies? I mean it seems like we were just in the middle of summer and now, we're suddenly into the fall and the rain has come. But time is still ticking away and we're not able to put a hold on it. Before we know it we'll have Thanksgiving and Christmas underfoot and be well on our way to Spring Break.

Obviously in our society today, time has become more precious than money and while I enjoy spending my money, I can easily make choices about money but when it comes to time, I know that I haven't been the best steward. It's so easy to waste time and not get things done. I'm not saying that you have to be busy all the time, everyone needs time to relax and take it easy but I think that it's also easy in this day and age to let time just slip away. From television, to the internet to cell phones and everything else out there it's easy to just sit and not get anything done. I've found hours slipping away into oblivion and when I look at the clock, I'm baffled because all I'd done was sit in front of the television.

I know that I have a busier life than most people and that time management for me is a key but I can't let my busy life take over my life. In the end, it all comes down to choices that we make. How we live our life. We have to chose what we embrace and where we set our hearts. If we don't, we allow the busy schedule to take over our lives and don't keep control. For me, I've found that I have to take control of my schedule and actually start cutting back. One of the hardest choices that I had to make was what to give up. It wasn't an easy thing to do but if we're going to organize our lives and make good choices, I had to make a decision on what was best for me.

Is your day to full? Do you get to take a moment and enjoy the sunshine or the flowers outdoors? Or are you just running from place to place and wondering when you're ever going to be able to relax? When you get to relax do you find yourself vegging because you're just too tired? If that's where you're at, I invite you to look at your schedule. Make some tough choices and re-define your life. See what out there and enjoy your daily life and be in control, instead of chasing down your schedule. I'm not an expert at it yet but I know that I'm finding more moments of peace and a fresh breath of air. New doors might be waiting out there, doors that lead to greater contentment. But are you able to open the door or are you just running past keeping your head above water and trying to get to the next appointment?

Check out your life. Where is it headed? Are you happy with where you are going? Set aside time and look at your schedule and take it in your own hands. Don't wait to see where time has disappeared.