Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm back.

So I haven't use this mode of information in quite some time and decided that it would be good to get back to blogging, not that I've ever given it much a try. So I'm going to try to do better with it and use it as a online journal and what's up in the Life of Kirsten Barnes.

Today was an exciting day at school, let's face it any time you get to show up to work two hours late and get paid for a full days work has to be exciting. Then you add 1200 high school students to the mix and it's loads of fun. We left the window shades open, the kids seemed grateful, so that we could enjoy the beauty with all of the crazy weather. I'm curious to see what happens with the weather tonight, it would be fun to have another two hour delay. I know that I did two posting this morning for my classes at George Fox and I'll also admit that I like going to school a little bit later in the morning.

Tonight, I'm going with Tasha and Edgar to the movie The King's Speech and I'm looking forward to watching it. I think that the subject of the royal family is good but a monarch conqueoring his fears and public speaking is a very interesting topic to me. I'll let you know tomorrow how the movie went!