Sunday, November 22, 2009


Have I told you that I like to write in my freetime? For the past week, I've been thinking about writing again. It's been a while since I seriously sat down and worked... like two years. But I think that I'm ready to batten down the hatches after Thanksgiving. I had so many ideas floating around in my head when I stopped writing along with several unfinished stories but I was too busy to enjoy the process. So I stuck them in a box and put them away until I had more freetime.

If you know me, your probably wondering when I have free time, right? Well, I don't necessarily have free time but I chose to write for my own sanity a few years ago and found a tremendous release. There is something amazing that happens when you allow yourself to escape into the world of imagination. In my very "grown up" world, there isn't much time for fun and games, but when I sit down at my computer I'm able to disappear into another world.

I'm not a professional or even polished and I don't pretend to be. I'm just a high school teacher who found an escape in the world of fiction. That's what I would like my writing to provide for others, a moment's escape. I might never be published, but that doesn't matter, I'm writing for the fun of it. Just an ordinary girl who would like to show off an extraordinary God in happily ever after settings.


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